Crowd Faction is a Registered Protected Action Ballot (PAB) Agent through the Australian Fair Work Commission (FWC).
eVoting that works
Using state-of-the-art technology, we are are able to provide secure online voting solutions for businesses and organisations. Crowdfaction’s online voting tools are able to be used for elections, ballots, polling and surveys.
Voter Turnout
The voter turnout provides the number of voters by percentage participation and number of responses.
Automated Results
The decleration of results report can be prepared and provided within hours of the declared result once voting is closed. Our live results make it a snap to provide fast response times that save you time and money.
Voter Turnout
Report and Declaration of Results
A final report with the signed declaration is provided to the client once the official results are declared.

Voting Process
eVoting FAQ’s
What is e-Voting commonly used for?
Our e-Voting can be used for any type of vote or ballot commonly being:
- Workplace or Enterprise Agreement Ballots
- Protected Action Ballots
- Workplace Delegate Elections
- Health & Safety Committee Elections
- Consultative Committee
- Board Elections
- Referendums
- Campus or Education Elections
- Any form of candidate election.
Is it secure?
Yes. Our data uses 256-bit encryption and is also designed and setup for unique entry methods, only allowing those eligible to vote.
Is it confidential?
Yes absolutely. We can’t access who voted a particular way and no information is retained or kept by us in accordance with our client agreement and privacy policy. Our secure platform only provides the results but does not identify voter preferences.
How long does it take to set up?
Once we have received the data file of eligible voters, we then get to work on setting up the ballot. We generally work on a lead-time of two weeks notice (depending on number of voters) prior to the election and results can be declared shortly after voting closes.
Voting Features
What are the benefits of using e-Voting?
There are significant savings in managing paper ballot elections. Whereas with online voting, there is higher user engagement, accuracy, immediate results and a much cheaper cost option.
Can we use this across various site locations?
Yes. If you have multiple sites voting at the same time but in different locations e-voting makes it even more cost efficient and greater broader participation.
Are there limits on the number of voters?
We can cater for a small group to as many tens of thousands. So just let us know how many voters you have and we’ll do the rest.
Can we see how it works?
Yes of course. We can provide a test environment prior to any vote, that way everyone involved has the confidence and trust in the e-Voting system.